Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Final day in Hawaii - Alaska Airlines made sure it sucked

we relaxed by the pool - we had to check out of our room by 11, and flight was at 10 pm.  We liked Hawaii, but we are probably some of the few who are not in love so we were ready to get back to the mainland
enjoyed a late lunch
and then it was airport time - our favorite (ha ha)
of course Alaska was late, so we missed our connection in Seattle.   These two wenches gave our seats away - so even though we made it to the gate before the door closed, they didn't allow us to board.  In fact, when we were 4 feet away from the door, they closed it on us.  So nice.  We had first class seats too - a rare treat for us.  I hope these 2 ladies & their manager get treated the same way we did.  We had to then sit around their airport for 13 hours and wait for another (oh joy) red eye flight (that we were trying to avoid).  Back in our usual coach seats, with a small refund - that no where near helped our attitude toward airlines, this one in particular
When we finally made it home  - we were greeted with a double rainbow.  They were happy we were off the island and out of Seattle too!


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