Thursday, July 6, 2023

Independence Day festivities

July 3rd - party on Sea Rose!

then fireworks

full moon rising
July 4th - parade!  Very soggy start - happy we were at friends that had tents

then we were off to our other friends who were celebrating their first year on the parade route!  Champagne at 11 am - sure!

then we were off to our friend Bob's new condo.  He's our Mojito maker.  The sun was out by now and it was a steamer!   Nice views from his new home.  The parade had already passed his home, so it was much quieter

we missed making it to our friend's Bill & Judy's beautiful front porch.   Hopefully we'll be back there next year - we ran out of time this year.   Our final stop after the parade was to our friend's Linda & Joe
lots of kids - teenagers now, giving it a whole new vibe.  We've been celebrating here for many years now

and then the T storms came
crazy rain
Mitch getting the water off the tents
later, we moved back inside for more food.  OMG - so much!

Fun times!

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