Wednesday, November 22, 2023

NYC trip - day #2

we were up bright & early and took a walk on the High Line - which didn't exist the last time we were here.  It's a reformed elevated train track - now a walking path.  It was a lovely way to walk through the city, without having to stop at every street light

no rain, but cool and cloudy

after we walked above part of the city, we went back to ground level

then we checked into our reason for being in the city - a 2 night stay at the New York Yacht Club!
no photos are allowed, so nothing to share - but it was a lovely place to stay.  We had a nice dinner and enjoyed the model room.

that afternoon, we jumped on a bus to tour the downtown, and then took a boat to see Miss Liberty

really foggy - you can hardly see the city!

back on a bus :)

later, we took a nice walk around 'our' neighborhood.  Bryant Park

Chrysler building

Grand Central Station

Empire State Building
the streets were busy, but not too crazy (except around Times Square).  We were happy to see that it was pretty clean and we felt safe.  Nothing like the CA cities


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