Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Volunteer hours at Sarasota Sailing Squadron

We joined Sarasota Sailing Squadron - a low key, mainly small boat club.   I had to, as part of my sunfish sailing family Luffing Lassies.  But we had wanted to join for a few years anyway.   They ask us to donate 8 hours every year, which is pretty minimal.  Or you can pay $200.  I had signed up for food server after a Saturday regatta.  We arrived early, so I could show Chris around the club

they have a small bar, but plenty of beer and wine
getting ready for the food serving!   It was a pretty crazy windy day, so the sailing ended early (and the food arrived late), so there weren't too many sailors left to eat all the yummies.  But we did have a member who was going to come back the following day, pick up the leftovers, and take it to a homeless shelter. 


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