Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 10K

On Sunday, March 21st, we had a 10k race scheduled - per our training guide. We decided to just run the route that we ran in January - and see if we had improved.
It was a beautiful sunny morning - a little cool - but perfect for running. I wore running tights, but could have gotten away with just shorts. Spring is coming!!!
Chris & I both had great runs! Chris finished his 10k in 48 minutes and I finished mine in 49 minutes! A record for me - close to a record for Chris. I was surprised - because I ran the entire run with a very full stomach (too much dinner the night before). I was thinking that this might be the first time that I actually got sick after running. Fortunately, I didn't - guess I was too excited about my time!
I could tell that my fitness level was better. I didn't have to keep convincing myself to keep my pace up during the second part of the run... The entire run seemed much easier than the run in January - and I ran it faster! And other bonus news - my heart rate average was only 177 - down from 179! The training is really working! Good thing because tri season is right around the corner!

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