Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Multisport Expo at MIT

A couple weeks ago, we attended the yearly Multisport Expo - put on by our friend Eric & his race management company. It's held in MIT's sports center. Our triathlon club sets up a booth, so we 'worked' the booth for a couple hours - talking to prospective members, signing current members up for upcoming events like our charity spin-a-thon and club social.
It's a big event - lots of vendor booths; fun swim, bike, run clinics & workshops; super guest speakers - typically triathlon greats like Karen Smyers & Lisa Bently... the list goes on.
Unfortunately, the expo was on March 20th this year - the nicest day ever! So, Chris & I did our duty with the triathlon club, and then we bailed. The day was just too beautiful to stay inside.
There were still a ton of attendees
Our triathlon club - competing in a spin-a-thon courtesy of computrainer.
Our friend, Eric, the brains behind the expo. Along with Diana - who just returned from hiking Kilimanjaro. Loved listening to her talk about her trip. Summitting Mount Kili has been on Chris & my's list for a couple years now, so we soak up as many details as possible.
Swim, Bike, Run - super size poster!
Our club president, Andy, along with member Darlene.
QT2 - my training program, which I love! Jesse (black shirt, right) is the brains behind QT2. He's also a full time engineer and top triathlete (consistently wins his age group).
Looking down on MIT's track. A group is heading out for a run seminar. Chris & I were heading across the Charles river to hang out in Boston...
View of MIT from Boston side
Yep, we're in Boston! - Citgo sign says it all

Such a nice day, everyone was out & about.

Oh, I'm so ready for sailing season!!!

We had to take a walk through our old neighborhood - Back Bay. Really miss it!

And our old apartment... still looks great!

It was a really great way to spend the day. We don't get to hang out in Boston much, because we stay busy in our own little town. So it was nice to spend the best day of the year in one of our favorite cities!!

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