Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chris' Mom is in town!!

Chris, Tony, Liz, Alexa, Cory
Chris' mom and her husband Tony arrived this week from Florida. They originally planned to visit in July, but Tony's sister passed away, and they came to town a couple months early. We had really nice afternoon catching up, and then went out for a nice dinner :) Chris' niece Alexa, and her boyfriend, Cory, also joined us. We need to have more afternoons like this one!!
Liz, Chris, Alexa
Dinner (my camera wasn't working well) Portuguese restaurant - yum!!
And look at that wine selection!

Another fun package arrived!!

Goodies from Sports Basement!!
A couple of pairs of running shoes; some Sharkies; Cliff Bars; Endurox & Accelerade! I'm ready for the races!!
And the best - a new wet suit from Blue Seventy!! Since I've had my Quintana Roo wet suit since 1999, it's high time for a new one. And I'm so excited to put this cool one to the test!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earth day and cleaning!

Our office took part in an Earth day cleanup. We took it very seriously - our entire floor has been cleaned, cleaned, cleaned!! We had so many cubicles with old paperwork -ugh! We filled up 12 gaylords (huge-mon-gous boxes) and sent over 80 boxes to storage!

April 2010 will be a month to go down in history for me. I have never done so much cleaning:

the riding barn for the Equine Event (cleaned April 10th)

our apartment in New Hampshire (lease ends May 1st - we cleaned it April 17th)

our sailboat (April 18, 19)

our home (continuous), but I did clean out my closests & attic (April 15th)

and work (April 15, 16, 20)

I'm tired!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fun packages arrived!!!

I was so excited when I got home yesterday - my new splish swim suits had arrived!

Now I have to get swimming!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Equine Event!

When I wasn't working out this weekend, I was at the horse barn. We spent Saturday clean, clean, cleaning! We had to keep reminding ourselves that this was a barn that we were cleaning, so it didn't have to be spic & span clean...
And Sunday was the Equine Event. Picture the Multisport Expo from a couple weeks ago that I attended - but this was for horse lovers!
All set up for the next presenter...
We learned a lot of cool things - like how important it is to have a saddle fit for you & your horse; how helpful massage can be for you and your horse; why you need to have your horse see a dentist; and how to take your horses temperature; etc etc etc
Here's Beauty (the horse that I used to lease) getting her teeth floated. She did very well!
Cash getting interviewed :)
Now Cash showing off in the jumping arena
Leggs strutting her stuff
Fury - the most beloved horse in the barn - taking some R&R...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's April! Time to start working on the sailboat!

April is the month that we work on our sailboat, and get it ready for the season. We clean the inside & Chris waxes the outside. He also fixes/replaces anything that needs it. We don't have any real repairs this year, so our maintenance should go pretty quick. We pay someone to do the bottom paint - too messy & hazardous. Our sailboat is scheduled to be launched at the end of April - cannot wait!!!!!
Lots of boats in the dock yard waiting for the new season...
Empty mooring field, soon to be filled..
Lonely yacht club dock, soon to be bustling...

Oh, my achin'...

1st major outside bike ride of the season - yeah!!! Our 'good' road bikes are still in New Hampshire, so out with the mountain bikes! Best choice anyway, since there is so much sand & debri on the roads. And the potholes/pavements failures/cracks.... frighteningly too many to count!
It was a beautiful sunshiney day. And warm warm warm - unusually warm for this time of year, but I'll take it!
4 hours later, and I was ready to just lay on the lawn & chill. But first, a 2 mile transition run. Then it was time to chill out & have an ice cold beer. Good recovery drink -ha!! I did have Endurox before the beer...
Since we've had so much rain and warm temps, the mosquitos have already made an appearance, so my outside lounging only lasted for a few minutes - but it was still nice.
Look at Chris' calves! Nice - that's what hours and hours of workouts get you!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Pool night!

After a hard run workout (1:15 run that included 6 x 5 minutes of hill bounding), we relaxed while playing a game of pool. We haven't played much lately - but I'm hoping we'll start playing at least one night a week.

We got the pool table when we lived in Reno, so it's been across country with us. We keep it in our family room.
The pets got into the fun too! They love playing with each other.
Love my pets!!!

New England - FLOODED!

National news, so everyone has heard the news. Worst flooding in 100 years!! We just had a lot of rain over many days, so rivers & lakes over flowed. The picture on the front page of the Boston Globe is the highway that I drive to get to work each day. It was only closed one day, but what a mess it made, getting to work!
A busy week at work, so I didn't take many first hand photos...

This mall - completely flooded. I can't imagine how long it will take to clean it up...

Many co-workers stayed home for a few days - pumping out their basements. Lucky for us, we only had a puddle in our basement.

These next photos were taken 2-3 days after the flooding. Roads are still closed, rivers are still over the banks - all across New England.

On our way to the gym:

This river - so over it's banks - you don't know where the banks are any more!

On our way to the yacht club - standing water everywhere!

On my way to the barn - local airport: flooded

Lots of flooded back yards...
On our way to Starbucks... there is a nearby river - these roads are still closed. Our doctor's office is just down the street. I'm sure they were completely flooded. A gas station, liquor store, 99's restaurant had more than 3 feet of water running through them.