Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Oh, my achin'...

1st major outside bike ride of the season - yeah!!! Our 'good' road bikes are still in New Hampshire, so out with the mountain bikes! Best choice anyway, since there is so much sand & debri on the roads. And the potholes/pavements failures/cracks.... frighteningly too many to count!
It was a beautiful sunshiney day. And warm warm warm - unusually warm for this time of year, but I'll take it!
4 hours later, and I was ready to just lay on the lawn & chill. But first, a 2 mile transition run. Then it was time to chill out & have an ice cold beer. Good recovery drink -ha!! I did have Endurox before the beer...
Since we've had so much rain and warm temps, the mosquitos have already made an appearance, so my outside lounging only lasted for a few minutes - but it was still nice.
Look at Chris' calves! Nice - that's what hours and hours of workouts get you!

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