Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Earth day and cleaning!

Our office took part in an Earth day cleanup. We took it very seriously - our entire floor has been cleaned, cleaned, cleaned!! We had so many cubicles with old paperwork -ugh! We filled up 12 gaylords (huge-mon-gous boxes) and sent over 80 boxes to storage!

April 2010 will be a month to go down in history for me. I have never done so much cleaning:

the riding barn for the Equine Event (cleaned April 10th)

our apartment in New Hampshire (lease ends May 1st - we cleaned it April 17th)

our sailboat (April 18, 19)

our home (continuous), but I did clean out my closests & attic (April 15th)

and work (April 15, 16, 20)

I'm tired!!!

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