Monday, April 12, 2010

Equine Event!

When I wasn't working out this weekend, I was at the horse barn. We spent Saturday clean, clean, cleaning! We had to keep reminding ourselves that this was a barn that we were cleaning, so it didn't have to be spic & span clean...
And Sunday was the Equine Event. Picture the Multisport Expo from a couple weeks ago that I attended - but this was for horse lovers!
All set up for the next presenter...
We learned a lot of cool things - like how important it is to have a saddle fit for you & your horse; how helpful massage can be for you and your horse; why you need to have your horse see a dentist; and how to take your horses temperature; etc etc etc
Here's Beauty (the horse that I used to lease) getting her teeth floated. She did very well!
Cash getting interviewed :)
Now Cash showing off in the jumping arena
Leggs strutting her stuff
Fury - the most beloved horse in the barn - taking some R&R...

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