Monday, September 6, 2010

Funny signs along the way to Bonneville...or ones that caught my eye

Getting us ready for the salt, although this sign was in Ohio

Jersey Shore (about 500 miles west of Jersey)
Brooklyn (same we were way west)
Happy Jack's Road
Wagonhound Trail Road
Wright Brother's Road - they used these guys a lot. I guess you know you're famous when...
Buffalo Bills Road
Eat & Park (maybe they should park before they eat....)
Kum & Go gas stations (we even passed by their headquarters - lucky us!)
Highest elevation: Wyoming at 8654 & the mountains were in the far distance! Crazy!
I like this one - interstate 80 west at 80 miles in PA
This made me think of MA (Worcester) and CA (Lodi) at the same time. I can't remember what state we were in at the time though - but definitely not MA or CA!
The ole Alma mater
The exit where we met my parents!!!
Colfax, IA
The one we were really waiting for!!
On Chris' drive home- it rained every day. Here's how bad the visibility was & the Phaeton has windshield wipers!

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