Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sept half ironman: uncheck; car show: check; boat show: check

We decided to boycott the September half ironman. I hadn't been feeling well & Chris had such a hectic travel schedule, so our workouts had been sub par. We knew it wasn't going to be a pretty day. So, we went to another cool car show - put on by the Alter Boys.
We need one of these - antiquer!!!

It was in a great area with good food

and great scenery (besides the cars)

Still a lot of BSing going on. One reason we only go to a handful of shows each year. Too much standing & sitting around

Chris' dad's car that Dallas owns & drives now.

Chris & Dallas checking out the cars

What the?? a pickup with semi truck tires & can also tow???

Our pickup parked next to our friend Charlies car.

Next day we went to the Newport Boat show!!

Busy Newport Harbor!

Lots of great sailboats to see. We avoided the power boats - ack!

Fun size sailboats!
And there is plenty of gear to check out as well...
I think we're getting ready - we really miss our sailboat this fall. It's usually when we sail to the Vineyard; Nantucket; and Block Island. Our triathlon training is done, and we just enjoy being on the sailboat. Isn't happening this year though - thanks to a dumb powerboater.

After we got our hopes up at the boat show, we went to our favorite restaurant. We love the bar! And lucky for us - it was the last night for their summer sushi menu. The sushi guys were headed to the Bahamas for the winter. Sounds like a nice operation - maybe I need to check into that line of work...
Our view into Newport Harbor - from our bar stools.

Time to head home

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