Wednesday, October 27, 2010

BYC Harvest Ball

Finally, we managed to make it to one of the events at the yacht club! It was the Harvest Ball - so we could dress up; go dancing; and hang out with good friends!

Hanging out in the bar before dinner. We were chatting with one of the members who is also a member of ... the prestigious & expensive New York Yacht club; and we found out that our club has 'dinner' privileges at the NYYC all winter. Yippee!
Looking forward to more good meals there - they had the best filet mignon!

Our chief steward - Chris - he takes care of everything. This night he was helping out at the bar.

Best bartender - Natalie

The band!
The band was serenading our table while I was taking pictures of other tables - figures I would miss it! At least I got a picture of it :)

Dinner in the Chart Room

Our friends Joe & Linda
Time to dance!

Our friends who rescued us/came to our aid the night of our boating mishap

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