Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gathering of the Faithful car show

Last Sunday was another of the 'good' car shows; and this one is right around the corner from our house!
Beautiful day - we were so lucky! Last year, it was cold rainy & threatening to snow!

Our friends at the small but really good swap meet section of the show. Chris is talking to Lee; and Charlie & Charlie are also hanging out (and Toules!)
Our friend's car - he still has his reliability run sticker on his car from the previous weekend.

View of the show from inside our car; I forgot a hat & sunglasses & needed to take breaks from the sun (since I was still on the Lyme disease medicine)

Our friend, Dave. He had just gotten back from a 2 week trip to Italy - lucky guy!

We invited a group over to our house after the show. They had been asking to see Chris' projects & Chris was happy to oblige!
On our way!
Stopping at a convenience store, to make sure everyone was accounted for. We had to make a few turns & didn't want anyone to get lost b/c we live out in the boonies.
We had one mishap on the way. The 1934 phaeton (Paul) ran out of gas. Chris took the group on to our house & I jumped in with Charlie to help Paul and to give directions. Fortunately, he ran out of gas next to a farm; and they had had some extra gas that he was able to buy. So it was just a short diversion.
At the house - talking about cars, of course
In the garage
Checking out Chris' project

Lots of cars at our house, and I had a new camera, so I put it to good use!

Chris fell in love with this Phaeton - the green 1934. It was a beauty!

Getting ready to leave :(

And they are off!
Bye phaeton - hope to see you again soon!
Chris - one happy camper!
He'll have to make sure he has a new project every year, so the guys will want to come back!

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