Tuesday, August 30, 2011


We had to cancel our trip across country to Bonneville this year due to Chris' work - boss visiting from Austria. Guess it was for the best, since we've had so many guests visiting.
We have done a few other things than entertain this summer (but not many).

We've taken Toules on some great walks.

Driven the red car - a lot!

Oh, yep, back to more guests: Dominik & Daniela from Austria. So we took them sailing. Our last sail before Hurricane Irene - that bi*@h.

We also managed to meet up the yacht club members who did the summer cruise. Every year, our yacht club chooses a destination that members can take a week to cruise to. This year their final destination was Marblehead - north of Boston. They stop at different yacht club & harbors along the way. We couldn't do the cruise, so we actually met them for dinner on 2 occasions. It was fun seeing the different yacht clubs



We've also managed to keep exercising - although not as regularly as we would like.

Stinky shirt proves that we've been doing something though! Cat loves the stink - she's just as bad as the dog - gross! I had to wrestle the shirt away from her, so I could wash it!

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