Thursday, December 26, 2013

Winter Project!

DIY scarf - by arm knitting!
I'm not a crafty person, but my friend Erin showed me & another friend how to arm knit a scarf (no knitting needles needed)

It only takes an hour or two (some can do it in 30 minutes - ha ha not me!)

 but they turn out to be really cute!  Unfortunately, I live in a place where scarfs (warm ones) are necessary...

Here's my friend, Erin, modeling the one she made.  So cool!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

1st Annual Boutilier's Christmas Party!!

Thought it would be a nice idea to invite Chris' brother, his daughter, and her husband over for a Christmas dinner (not sure why I didn't think of this many years ago.... )

 Chris did most of the cooking - while I cleaned & set up.  He baked the bread, he organized the appetizers, he cooked the prime rib, baked potatoes, and the asparagus.  Sheesh, I'm not sure what I was doing??  Oh, and he also got the salad together.
 Appetizer time!
 Table is set!
 Prime Rib is ready  - Yum!
 Christmas present time!  Bolts enjoyed this!
 Corey having fun with Bolts - or is Bolts having fun with Corey??
 Picture Time :)
We had a really good evening.  Good conversations, some garage time, pet time, and football time.  Yeah, it was a hit!!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Holiday Christmas parties!

Our work party - cocktail hour (open bar!)  I didn't take many pictures or stay too long, since I had swim practice.  Ugh - another Ironman sacrifice

 But I had fun while I was there!  (and no, those aren't my beers - I actually didn't drink anything, not even a glass of water - but I did partake in some yummy appetizers!)
 And the Turchetta's had an open house!  Our  Napa gang was back together again!!
 Dave & Brenda put an amazing evening together.
 The appetizers were so amazing!
 And Wine was the obvious choice of the evening!!

And we made it back to our friend's Charlie & Gloria's open house!  We missed their party last year :(

 This party's theme - was Hot Rods!  Here are our friend's Roger & Michele from CT!  So fun to get together with these guys in the winter!  We were supposed to meet up with them at another Christmas party (this time in CT), but it was cancelled due to weather.  Bummer!
 More great food!
 And this party ended up  - yep, you guessed it - in the garage!!
 Checking out Charlie's roadster!
 Looking so good!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Early Christmas present!

Now that we have wine delivered every few weeks, we need a better place to store it.  So we went to the store & bought ourselves a wine refrigerator!  Merry Christmas to us!

We used to have a wine refrigerator, when we lived in Reno.
So it was way overdue to get another!

So much better!!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Hot Rod projects

Chris is busy in the garage this fall & winter with lots of projects.  He is helping Dallas build this cool pickup:

And he is putting this Scott blower motor!  He is so talented!

Friday, December 13, 2013

BYC boatique

The first of our holiday parties - started at the yacht club.  The annual boatique :)

 Lots of friends and great gift ideas
 I helped sell some prints - for the sailing foundation :)  Great evening!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

miscellaneous December activities

The December weekends have been like this:

Chris covered the sailboat!

 And he attended a metal working class - at a cool hot rodders shop!
 He hand crafted a bowl!

 And built a door panel (with the other students).  He loved the class & learned a lot!

Bolts & Bean relaxing.  Bolts seems to have an allergy.  To what, we don't know yet, but it's been an expensive month - back & forth to the vets.  He just might be allergic to Bean.  Wouldn't that make things interesting....

Sunday, December 8, 2013

And a stopover in Zurich, Switzerland, of course!

We flew from Boston to Zurich & then to Barcelona. And returned the same way.  On the way home, we had a long layover, so we headed into Zurich for a few hours :)

Carolers - beautiful voices!

 I love Zurich!

 How can you not love these views! :)

 And now, we are ready for the holidays!!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Trip to Sitges!

We took a day trip to a nearby beach town - Sitges!  We loved it!!

 A beautiful day & a beautiful town.  Only 30 minute Metro ride from Barcelona

 My favorite picture of the trip:

 ahhhh, I can't wait to come back here!