Friday, December 6, 2013

Barcelona highlights

Catedral (looks like Sagrada Familia, but it's not!)

Arc de Triomph (late 1800's).  Barcelona is a pretty modern city.  The oldest architecture is from the late 1800's.

 Agbar - headquarters of the Water Company (Ag = ague = water & Bar = Barcelona)  Barcelona's water!
 La Sagrada Familia!  Amazing - built by the main Barcelona artist - Gaudi.  It's still a work in process
 Lots of scaffolding & cranes still working.  Gaudi died at age 73 before the cathedral was complete, but he did have the plans for the rest of it.

 La Pedrera - a house built by Gaudi

 Castle Bastillo - also built by Gaudi

 Columbus Tower!

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