Wednesday, December 25, 2013

1st Annual Boutilier's Christmas Party!!

Thought it would be a nice idea to invite Chris' brother, his daughter, and her husband over for a Christmas dinner (not sure why I didn't think of this many years ago.... )

 Chris did most of the cooking - while I cleaned & set up.  He baked the bread, he organized the appetizers, he cooked the prime rib, baked potatoes, and the asparagus.  Sheesh, I'm not sure what I was doing??  Oh, and he also got the salad together.
 Appetizer time!
 Table is set!
 Prime Rib is ready  - Yum!
 Christmas present time!  Bolts enjoyed this!
 Corey having fun with Bolts - or is Bolts having fun with Corey??
 Picture Time :)
We had a really good evening.  Good conversations, some garage time, pet time, and football time.  Yeah, it was a hit!!

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