Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas in Colfax

 This year, we drove to Colfax!  It took 18 hours door to door, including stops.  We wanted to bring Bolts to Colfax to meet his other Grandma, aunts, uncles, & cousins.
He did really good on the drive - much better than we thought.
 He loved Grandma H - wouldn't stay off her lap!
 We arrived around 4 pm on Christmas Eve - just in time for Mass.  Then early the next morning, we headed to my sisters house for their Christmas party ;)

 Then we took Bolts for a walk in the park.  It was cold, but he was so happy to run around.  He loved it - nice open space to go crazy!
 Chris even took him down the slide :)
 Later, it was time for my mom's Christmas party!  My brother & his family (including my sister in law's mom), and my sister & her family all converged on my mom's house!  3 dogs in total too!
 My nieces made a gingerbread house!

 The dogs were all well behaved - they were in heaven with all the yummy scents!
 Later in the afternoon -it was time to open presents!!

 My brother in law - always primed for a good photo op!
 Our $2 dollar gifts - another great year!  Money tree; socks & gloves; flashlights; hugs & kisses; memory enhancers; sunglass kits.  We have so much fun with them!
 Time for our photos!
 Kids & Bolts
 Brother's family
 The rest of the week was spent watching basketball games at the holiday tournament!  My niece played - and did great!
 And my brother in law coached the boys team - they were so good, they won the whole tournament!
 The tournament was 3 days long.  We went to 4 games - missed the Saturday finals.
The trip home was a big success - short, but fun filled!

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