Friday, February 14, 2014

Projects! Back Yard

So, last March, we decided to clear out some weeds & pump up our back yard.  We have an Easement in our backyard, which limits what we can do.  But we are building a rock wall around the 'easement/pond', and adding dirt to build up the yard.  It's always been hard to mow or enjoy the back yard because it slopes so much.  Not any more!!

The equipment!

 Starting to build the wall
 Looking good!
 And it's filled!
 But only the front part - still the rest (around the tree) to go
 Now, it's really getting there!
 Didn't they do a great job on the wall?!?  We still need some more fill; then we'll add loom this spring. Right now everything is covered with white stuff (Yuck, yuck, yuck).  So nothing has really happened in a couple weeks.  But we are SO happy with what has already been done!  Yay!

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