Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My nephew's high school graduation!

I headed back to IL again for another graduation :) It's that time of year!
I attended one of my nephew's last baseball games.
 He only played a couple innings late in the game (he is usually a starter), but a couple days prior, he dove for a ball and dislocated his shoulder.  I didn't think I would see him play, so happy to see him out there!
 We also had time for a yummy breakfast!!
 THen a couple days later, it was time for the big event!
 My brother won a sky box from an auction, so we had awesome seats! (There were only 2 boxes!)
 Such good seats that the principal & superintendent had to come up and see the view :)
 My niece & brother
 Lots of graduates - almost 1,000!
 We also had yummy refreshments - bagels; coffee cake; fruit...
 Couldn't get an up close photo from our sky box - but we did get a good one from the private TV in our box :)
 Mom & Son
 Nick at the baseball stadium :)
 AFter the ceremony, we met a large group for lunch!
Nick with my sister, her husband, and daughter.
 Nick will be attending the University of Illinois this fall!  My alma mater - as well as his parents!
It's extremely difficult to get accepted into this school these days - but he is such a smarty!  He graduated magna cum laude!
 When he was little :) - with his sister.  Time flies!

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