Saturday, June 6, 2015

Volvo Ocean Race!

A couple weekends ago, the Volvo Ocean Race teams arrived in Newport, RI!  We went to the village one day, and took our boat out on 2 days to watch them race.  Very cool!!
 It's a year long race - and covers over 38,000 nautical miles - holy cow!!  Serious sailing!
 A guy from our yacht club is skippering one of the boats - he's the youngest captain and has the youngest team!
 The 6 boats lined up (there were 7, but one went hit a shoal 200 miles off the coast of Africa a few months ago - our team helped rescue them!)  Not so many boats - only costs around $15 Million to do the race - ouch!
 The 65 foot sailboats up close
 Race on Saturday - was just around the Newport Harbor
 A cool Saturday - here the boats are coming back into the harbor - we were sailing around and sightseeing :)

 The race on Sunday was a little longer - and then they headed out to sea - on a  10 day sail to Lisbon, Portugal.  Sunday was sunny & warm!
 It was a nice day for us to sail as well!
 The race boats are so beautiful!
 This picture was taken from the Team's page - showing the race boats heading out to sea.  They had so many spectator boats following them, it was crazy!

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