Friday, November 20, 2015

Nice trip to Reno!

We headed west for a trip - Reno, NV.  Chris had business, so I tagged along.  It's so nice that I have the flexibilty to take off whenever one of Chris' trips pop up!
 They were having a cold snap, so there was some snow in the mountains!
 We had some really good conversations and meals with our good friends.  It's hard to believe that we have been gone from Reno for 10 years now!
 Some fun gifts were exchanged ( a nice pecker wine stopper for our friend - our friends & us found it on our trip to Los Cabos)
 We had plenty of good libations too!
 We did manage to run at the Ditch Trail - one of our favorite places to run. 
 One day we headed up the hill to see the snow.
 We got some great views of Lake Tahoe!
 The water level is so low - it's good that they are having an early winter with snow this year.
 We did manage to get out to dinner once.  Our hosts were such good cooks, we didn't need to go out!
 Of course, there was some garage time.  Never enough time for some though
 Our old friend!  It's being stored in a great home.
 We met some new friends - a gorgeous Giant Schnauzer

 We saw some BIG garages.  Wow!  Chris would love to have one of these.
 And spent more time with friends in the kitchen.  It's the best room in the house!
 Our friend is an amazing quilter - the detail in this piece is unbelievable.
 Some more great food, great friends, and great conversation.
 and a little more garage time...
The trip was over far too quickly.  Our friends are just the best and we really miss seeing them regularly!  Hopefully we will be back again soon!

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