Thursday, June 15, 2017

TROG 2017!

We headed back to Wildwood, NJ for The Race of Gentlemen. It never disappoints!
Lots of cool bikes & hot rods hanging around Friday

 The beaches are pretty amazing here too
 They are HUGE!
 Friday night party

 and we also took a walk along one of the many boardwalks
 Saturday - beautiful - warm & sunny!  We drove our red pick up - for comfort :)
 race time!

 There were so many people here - now that they moved it to June - it was hard to see a lot of the racing - definitely no close ups
 But we had pit passes, so were able to talk to some of the drivers - like our friend Jon from England.  Chris was hoping to race; but didn't get his red coupe finished in time (too many other things that we do that keep him from the garage, he always reminds me when we get to these events, oops :))
 Some of the cars needed a push to get through the deep sand.  Fortunately, most of it was pretty hard packed & there were only a couple spots like this
 75 cars and 75 motorcycles racing on Sat & Sun

 More vendors in June than October too
 So Many People - wow!
 I saw this 'tweet' late, so he was already gone.  But Nascar fans - Kurt & Kyle Busch's father was racing at TROG this year.  Pretty cool!
 They raced from 9 to 4:45.  Long day in the sun
 We mainly hung out with our RB friends.
 The gang
 18 people at dinner - not easy to find a restaurant or room big enough, but we did it!
 Sunday morning walk on the beach!  We headed home & didn't stay for Sunday racing - which had the eliminations.  Next year, we'll take more time.  As usual, we have too many other obligations requiring time off from work, so we couldn't make it more than a 3 day weekend.

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