Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Visit to IL

I spent a week in IL visiting my family.  My mom and I went through some of our storage boxes.  It was a lot of fun reliving memories!
My wedding flowers (now very dried)
 our 4 H showing jackets that my mom made.  We raised a lot of rabbits and had fun showing them for years
 One of my trophy's from the rabbit showing days
 We met some of my mom's friends for coffee and conversations

 and we went through more boxes - lots of old jewelry (my suitcase was a lot heavier coming back to MA)
 We took time to visit my mom's sisters.  Here is my mom and Aunt Regina at her garden.  We also visited my Aunt Louise and my Uncle Don.  No photo of them though
 We went antique window shopping - since we don't need anything more

 Lovely little town of Paxton
 and we went through More boxes - these had old photos - so fun!
 This old photo dates back to the early 90's - when we were driving back from a FL vacation - and got stuck in a big snowstorm in GA.  They weren't used to snow, so the highway came to a stop for a day.  Crazy!
 Back to the present:  Driving through IL - always see tractors and such on the road
 The corn and bean crops are just barely coming up
 We did a nice drive around a  local lake - Dawson

It was a fun trip home - as always!

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