Saturday, November 11, 2017

Lights out

We had a big wind storm the other day - huge actually.  So... we lost power (at both houses, as at the time we still owned the MA house).  Oh joy!   The big wind was overnight, and it howled and howled.  Our lights flickered on and off all night, but we still had power when we woke up.  The worst of the storm had passed.  Chris got ready for work & I went grocery shopping.    But when I got home - no power, ugh!  Chris called later in the day to see if it had been restored to which I replied, No.  This is Bristol, it will take awhile (we've had experience with our ex multi family ;)).  So he brought his brother's generator home.  Yay!  No food losses!
Of course, there was no plug or cable for the generator, so he had to build one.  He stopped at Lowe's and bought a dryer cord (it was the only cord left).  Amazing, that he can build a plug for the generator with that.  He did it - and didn't skip a beat.  It was like he built them every day.  So impressive!
Here's a picture - but as you can see, no power, so no good photo :)
 We didn't have power for 50 hours.  Yikes.  It wasn't cold though, so the generator mostly ran the power for the refrigerator.  So glad we had one!!  We might be keeping this one handy for a while.

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