Thursday, November 9, 2017

The move before the move!

Since our buyers loan was firmly approved, and the closing date was set - we headed back to MA to finish packing up the house! 
 First up  - the red coupe.  It's not drivable yet - the motor still has some things that need to be tweaked. 

 Just a few items in the house.  A moving company was going to be doing the heavy lifting of our furniture.  So we just  to move a few antiques, and some decorations.  But there were holes to fill (from the wall decorations); railing to dismantle (so we could move the furniture from the room above the garage); alarm to reset; pool table to dismantle...  just a lot of a little
 The trees were looking beautiful though!  We're gonna miss this property.
Dallas and friends showed up to help with the big trailer.  We were moving it to a friend's place in Acushnet
 Bolts was very helpful :)
 Pool table - Chris had fun taking it apart :)  Bolts was pooped from his busy day
 Because he had played and played and played!

 Good bye house!  Thanks for all the good memories!  Good luck with your new family :)

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