Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Weekend fun

We had some visitors:  We have hired an architect and general contractor to do some work on our new home.  We need the basement fireproofed, so Chris can legally work on cars there, and we are having some skylights put in.
 We went antiquing :)  but didn't buy anything.  We don't want to decorate until our house deconstruction and reconstruction has finished.

 We took a nice walk thru town :)

 Chris designed and built our new breakfast bar. We used the same copper powder as we used on the kitchen island
 Chris hung some cabinets in the upstairs garage.  Mainly for cleaning supplies and miscellaneous items.  His workshop will be in the basement where it's warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

 and I did the final mow for the year (I hope!)  I'm sure we'll still get some pesky leaves, but I don't think the lawn is growing much these days.

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