Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Family visit!

My sister & her family came for a visit -and brought my mom!  My sister's son, my nephew & his wife live outside Boston, so they came to visit them and us :)
We showed them around our house and neighborhood- then took a walk to the beach.  It's nice to be so close!  (Bolts was chasing the rocks into the water...)

 A tour of Bristol.  It was a rainy day (although the rain didn't start until late afternoon).  So we walked around Bristol, toured some shops.  Then drove around Newport looking at the mansions (it was raining then, so didn't take any photos)

 The next day - we toured Boston!

 and got some tasty treats (Chris had to work, so I brought these home for him)

 and the following day - we toured Newport again.  And went to the Volvo Ocean race village!  The boats had just come in from Itajai, Brazil; so the village was still being set up

 7 boats on an around the world race!  We also toured the 295 foot coast guard ship (behind the sailboats)
 Our friend, and fellow yacht club member, captains this boat - Vestas.  They came in 3rd place on this leg

 Lunch again!  It was a short trip for the family, but I'm glad they came.  It's always  fun to show off your area and be a tourist again :)

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