Thursday, May 10, 2018

Ironman Texas!

We headed to Texas for my 12th Ironman!  Chris opted to not do this race as he didn't have the time to train since he's been so busy at work.  So this was a short trip:  Arrive on Thursday afternoon; check in for the race; Relax & drop off bike & bags on Friday; Race on Saturday; and fly home on Sunday!
These photos aren't in chronological order, as some were taken by my phone & others by Chris - so they didn't want to line up properly (and there are too many to try & switch around :))
Here we are on Friday - at the bike drop and bag drop
 The bags hold everything you need in transition;  for the swim to bike transition, you will put your bike shoes, helmet, sunglasses, etc in the bag.  For the bike to run transition, you will put your running shoes, race number, hat, food...

 Houston!  The actual race is in the Woodlands - A really neat planned community about an hour north of Houston
 On Friday - we took a drive to Galveston - to see the water and to just enjoy the day (instead of just sitting in the hotel room)
 Lunch with a view!
 On Saturday - I raced! (sorry these next are really out of order). 
 On Sunday - we attended the awards ceremony.
 Koi pond along the run route - these fish were big!
 Back to Saturday - running!.  The actual order of the race was Swim 2.4 miles; Bike 112 miles and run 26.2 miles.  Whew!  What a day!  We did have beautiful weather.  The water for the swim was warm, but cool enough to wear a wetsuit (it gives you more buoyancy).  The temps were in the 80's on the bike & run, so nice and warm!  Hardly any wind on the bike too - which was a blessing.  But it did make the run a little toasty.

 Here, I just came out of the water, went through the transition to get my helmet & shoes, and am getting my bike for the long 112 miles!
 Coming in off the bike
 Now, we switch back to Thursday :)  This was the Ironman village - checking in; listening to the pros talk about their race plans; and checking out the vendors

 Picture of the swim exit (on Thursday)
 Back to Friday - and dropping off my bike
 Race day again - waiting for the swim start (so Nerve wracking - the waiting, ugh!)

 The swim!

 and back to the running!
 Finishing the run - down the shoot - yay!
 And done!!  Whew!  What a day - 12 hours 45 minutes. Always nice to finish in the daylight
 Next day - wearing my finishers shirt and having breakfast!  I felt pretty good - not a lot of soreness.  Of course, now I'm battling a cold :(

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