Friday, June 29, 2018

Bermuda Day 2! Meet & greet our sailing friends!

Early morning!  We were up at 4 am to check the trackers and figure out when our friends would finish.  Once they crossed the finish line, they would have to motor 2 hours to the harbor & marina - a long time!
We were on the docks at 5:30 waiting for them to arrive
 Still pretty empty marina - only the large super racers had arrived

 Rambler was the 1st boat to arrive - over 80 feet and pure racer.  She arrived in just over 2 days, which was slow for her

Me & my friend Linda waiting for sailboat Incognito - her husband was crew (his 3rd time racing to Bermuda, the other 2 times he raced his own boat)

 Incognito!!  A beautiful J121 (hull #1), many of our friends on board

 Chris waiting to help them dock

 Dark & Stormy's for all!  Everyone looked great - couldn't tell they had been at sea for 5 days!

 Breakfast with the crew.  They ended up in 4th place in their division.  They were stuck in the 'no air' for quite a while (happened to all the Bristol boats)

 Next to arrive (just a couple hours later) - Shearwater!!  This is the boat that Chris sailed back to Newport
 The wait to get into the marina was so long, they had to have half of their crew picked up by a dinghy and taken to shore, so they could catch their flights (had planned to arrive the day before...)
 The yacht club is getting busy now!  A lot of dark & stormy's being made!  (Chris is talking to Chris, the skipper of Shearwater)  We had lunch with the Shearwater crew :)
 The marina is starting to fill
 Yacht club  Queen Elizabeth II has visited a few times - her pictures grace the hall.
 Incognito & Shearwater are almost side by side in the marina
 Next to arrive - Moon Shadow

We bought Dark & Stormy' for their crew!
 Appetizers with Moon Shadow :)
 Aggressive came in shortly after Moon Shadow, so we missed helping him dock.  He & his long time partner (daughter of his best friend), double handed the race (his 15th time doing the race!!)  Bad to the bone!
 So, we had dinner with Aggressive :)  A full day of eating & socializing :)
 A long day - but a very good day - one of my favorites ever!  Our walk home - street party

 narrow curvy streets (many with no sidewalks)
 Our guest house
 We headed back to town for dinner with Aggressive - rather than have another meal at the yacht club :)

 a beautiful evening.  Weather was in the mid 80's (humid) during the day and low 70's at night

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