Sunday, July 1, 2018

Bermuda Day #3

We started off the morning with a long run on the local rail trail. Then headed back to the yacht club.  We hung out on Shearwater for a bit

 View of lots of boats!!

 Some beautiful classic ones too

 The guys went 'shopping' for a bigger & faster boat :)
 We happened to be docked next to Grundoon - the overall winner.  So the Governor of Bermuda came to give his congratulations.  Grundoon is a beautiful classic boat that had been in the family for many years.

That afternoon we headed to our friend's place - they had rented a house for their crew.
Bus stop!
 Nice views along the way!  Bermuda has beautiful flowering trees and bushes.  Lots of hilly curvy narrow roads.  The homes are concrete and brightly colored (their roofs have an extra ledge that allows them to collect rain water which is one of their main water sources.

 Cemetary  - much like New Orleans - above ground

 Their rental house - Nice!!!  Lovely porch; beautiful pool; and amazing views of the ocean

 We took a walk to their local beach

 and enjoyed a yummy cookout!

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