Saturday, July 7, 2018

Chris' photos from his Bermuda trip

The crew of 4 - bringing Shearwater home from Bermuda (7 sailed it down)

 It was a wet ride home!  Every morning had some nice sun and light winds, but they hit a storm squall every evening - with 30 knots of wind and 15-20 foot waves!  Serious sailing
 Tucked in for his 3 hour nap.  The shifts were 2 crew on deck for 3-4 hours, while 2 napped.  When it got a little crazy (the boat was consistently doing 12 -14 knots, and even went 17.9 knots at one point - the fastest it had ever been (coasting down a big wave in the gulf stream); all hands were on deck.
 Leaving Bermuda

 Chris said they wore their foul weather gear almost the entire  4 days

 Calm seas the last day - but it was chilly.  Water temp near Bermuda was close to 80, and the gulf stream was 88, but once they left the gulf stream, it was 60's and 70's - brrr!  They were able to catch a Mahi Mahi their last day at sea, so had fresh fish for dinner.  We have more photos that need to be downloaded - so there might be another post in the future...

 It took them 94 hours to get from Bermuda to Newport, RI. They were happy to see Newport!
They had to dock and go through Customs.  Customs was busy, so they sat on the dock and waited from 11 am to 4:30 pm - ugh!

 They took the time to dry everything out!
 They reached Bristol at 6:30 pm - just in time for a cocktail!

 Amazing trip - life changing. Blue water sailing is a whole different game, and as another sailor told Chris ' you're a real sailor' :)

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