Monday, July 9, 2018

4th of July fun

4th of July fun started with the fireworks on July 3! Chris' brother, niece, and friends came over to help us celebrate.  We headed to our sailboat for the best view of the fireworks
 Alexa & Corey
 It was a nice relaxing evening
 Beautiful sunset
 The whole gang~
 A group of ducks floated by to get a good view of the firework show

 On the 4th, we rode our bikes to the parade to avoid the traffic.  (there was still a ton of traffic on the bike path - looked like a freeway full of bikes and walkers)
 1st stop - Bob's house for Mojitos!!  He makes the best and it wouldn't be the 4th without them!
 It was a hot sunny day for the parade, so I doubt the participants had much fun
 It was still a great parade
 our friends

 lots of spectators

 Our friend's daughter was in the parade too
 Love the Clydesdale horses
 The military is always well represented, and are the biggest hit

 After the parade, we head to our friend's for a bbq
 their pool was well used this year!
 slide too!

 a perfect way to spend the holiday!  Thank you Linda & Joe!

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