Saturday, July 28, 2018

BYC Cruise Day #4: No Cruising;

We stayed an extra day in Edgartown, so we didn't sail.  A lot of the cruisers went to the beaches or took tours of the island.  We did our own tour - starting with a yummy coffee shop.
 We didn't rent a car bc it was a short day, so we took the bus!  Bolts first time on public transportation.  He wasn't a fan at first, but eventually got into the swing of things.  (and it was cheap $$ - $8 for a full day pass - anywhere on the island!)

 We enjoyed a nice cruise along the coast, then stopped at Gayhead

 I never get tired of these cliffs. 
 Our next stop was Menemsha - another favorite.  I love seeing local artists do their thing.  There is so much talent in the world!

 Menemsha harbor is small and industrial, but we still love it
 Then we made our way to Vineyard Haven & had lunch at the Black Dog café.

 We had early dinner plans, so we headed back to Edgartown after VH.  Then it was time to shower & get presentable for dinner at the Edgartown Yacht Club
 cocktail hour

 dinner - a little crowded, but we made it work :)

 Good dinner & fun conversation.  We took a nice walk around town with some friends.  (Then we had to head back to the sailboat & take Bolts for his 'hopper' run :))

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