Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Bermuda Day 5 & 6

Another sunny & warm Bermuda day!
 The return crew - getting fuel for the ride home (they will motor some of the way, if there is no wind)

 It was a little bit of a walk to the fuel dock :)  but a beautiful one
 While they worked I enjoyed my view from the boat

 Chris & I took a ferry ride in the afternoon - over to the Naval Dockyards

 Nice views from the water

 Beautiful old forts that now house restaurants, shops, etc

 We took a bus on the way home - so we could see more of the island
 We stopped by Horseshoe beach
 but it was full of tourists from the cruise ships, so we headed back to the beach by our guest house - Elbow Beach which was nice & quiet

We also had time to enjoy a walk through a beautiful park

Last evening in Bermuda for me
 We ran into our friends from 'Moon Shadow'  They had just come from the awards ceremony

The Shearwater crew placed 2nd in the Family award!  Yay!!

Sunday Funday - view from the airport - not too shabby!!
I flew home, and Chris & friends departed for Newport the next morning.  I'll be posting his pictures soon.

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