Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Spending time with my mom in FL!

And her fun friends!  We went shopping :)

 and out to lunch :)

 and out to dinner :)
 and out to brunch :)
 and enjoyed some amazing views!  It was a fun filled week!

Then my mom & I had some fun times with just the two of us.  We enjoyed the condo's pool party!

and the beach!
 and some yummy bundtini's!
 and the condo association's ladies luncheon!

Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekend Birthday Fun!


There was a yacht club dinner on my birthday weekend - so we attended :)  It was at on Jamestown - one of our favorite places to visit!
 I have a birthday twin!  Peter & I share the same birthday :)  We've known for a few years, but this was the first one we actually celebrated together!
 There were a lot of good friends at the dinner, so nice to catch up with everyone.
 And the view - wow!  Too bad it was a little too chilly to enjoy the outdoors
 On my big day - we first met my birthday twin for breakfast.  Then we went for a walk in the woods with Bolts.  My favorite morning activity!  It was a little snowy, so we bundled Bolts up (He hates these jackets, but he doesn't have much fur right now, so he has to just deal :))

 Such a nice walk :)
 Then we went for a beautiful coastal drive

 It turned into quite the rainy day, so we just hung out at home the rest of the day.   And enjoyed pizza and birthday cake - yum!!
 And a nice birthday bonus - the snow is melting and temps are rising!!  Happy for that - but our poor snowman is looking a little skinny these days.
 Happy Bolts!

Saturday, March 9, 2019

snow snow snow

We got a nice serving of light fluffy fun snow on Saturday.  About 3-4 inches.  Bolts loved playing in it!

 It was so pretty, but foggy and cold

 We went for a nice walk in the woods

 And then Chris & I went on a Fat tire bike ride on the bike path :)

 Then on Sunday, it was sunny, and it all started to melt.  Chris & Bolts built a nice snowman while I did the rest of my long run
 On Monday, poor snowman was a little droopy from the Sunday snow melt.  But thanks (or not!) to Mother Nature, we got another batch of snow!  This time it was not light & fluffy, but wet and heavy.  And we got even more.

 Bolts still loved playing in it though!

 Our poor arborvitae :(
 Chris shoveled the whole driveway!  I shoveled the sidewalk :)  It was a lot of work since it was such a heavy snow
 And we also managed to revive our droopy snowman!