Saturday, March 9, 2019

snow snow snow

We got a nice serving of light fluffy fun snow on Saturday.  About 3-4 inches.  Bolts loved playing in it!

 It was so pretty, but foggy and cold

 We went for a nice walk in the woods

 And then Chris & I went on a Fat tire bike ride on the bike path :)

 Then on Sunday, it was sunny, and it all started to melt.  Chris & Bolts built a nice snowman while I did the rest of my long run
 On Monday, poor snowman was a little droopy from the Sunday snow melt.  But thanks (or not!) to Mother Nature, we got another batch of snow!  This time it was not light & fluffy, but wet and heavy.  And we got even more.

 Bolts still loved playing in it though!

 Our poor arborvitae :(
 Chris shoveled the whole driveway!  I shoveled the sidewalk :)  It was a lot of work since it was such a heavy snow
 And we also managed to revive our droopy snowman! 

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