Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Ironman Hawaii!

I've paid most of my dues, so I've been invited to race in the World Championships in Hawaii! It won't be until the year 2021, so that gives me plenty of time to prepare for those crazy winds :)    I still have to complete an Ironman this year (am scheduled to compete in April in Texas again).   And at least a half ironman in 2020 and in 2021, which I was planning on doing anyway. 
To get to the World Championship, you need to qualify (which is basically win your age group).  I usually do pretty well in my age group - but no where close to winning it...  But Ironman started a Ironman Legacy Program a few years ago:  if you complete 12 full distance Ironman races, then you are eligible to be chosen to race in the World Championship.  So that is the route I took!  I completed my 12th Ironman last April.  Yippee!

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