Monday, March 11, 2019

Weekend Birthday Fun!


There was a yacht club dinner on my birthday weekend - so we attended :)  It was at on Jamestown - one of our favorite places to visit!
 I have a birthday twin!  Peter & I share the same birthday :)  We've known for a few years, but this was the first one we actually celebrated together!
 There were a lot of good friends at the dinner, so nice to catch up with everyone.
 And the view - wow!  Too bad it was a little too chilly to enjoy the outdoors
 On my big day - we first met my birthday twin for breakfast.  Then we went for a walk in the woods with Bolts.  My favorite morning activity!  It was a little snowy, so we bundled Bolts up (He hates these jackets, but he doesn't have much fur right now, so he has to just deal :))

 Such a nice walk :)
 Then we went for a beautiful coastal drive

 It turned into quite the rainy day, so we just hung out at home the rest of the day.   And enjoyed pizza and birthday cake - yum!!
 And a nice birthday bonus - the snow is melting and temps are rising!!  Happy for that - but our poor snowman is looking a little skinny these days.
 Happy Bolts!

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