Monday, November 30, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving!

We loaded up, got our Covid test ( a friend that we had dinner with tested positive). So we wanted to make sure we weren't positive before visiting with Chris' mom.  We didn't think we were positive because we ate dinner outside and he tested positive 10 days after we had dinner together.  And we were negative.  Good!
Chris' mom & husband live north of Tampa, and there are so many nice back roads in her area. 

Bolts made himself right at home!  He loves their couch :)
Dinner was quiet with just the 4 of us - but it was perfect!
 Very Yummy and no chance of getting Covid :)


Saturday, November 28, 2020

What I see through my window - Palm trees a blowin in the storm!

 My mom's palm trees during the Storm Eta.  She lost one a couple years ago to disease, and the tree guys have said these are dying too.  The one is already starting to sag pretty good.  So sad to see these go.   Not sure when they will take them down.

Friday, November 27, 2020

FBF - our '32 blue roadster!!

 Such a fun car we had!  We drove it A lot!  One time through the CA desert - it was hot, but it was fun!

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Art class!

My mom's neighbor is a retired art teacher.  So she gave a class on Pour painting.  She had us socially distance in her garage (with the door up).  There were only 4 of us for each class.  Very cool process!

Mix the paints and then pour it onto your paper.  There are a couple different processes, so we tried a couple.  One way is to dump the cup onto your paper.  Another is to pour the paint onto your paper.  And there are many other ways...

Now we have fun paintings!


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Workouts with my neighbor!

My neighbor Jessie (from CT) lives across the cul de sac in Sarasota.  We've been getting together most mornings for a boot camp style workout!
We found an Ironman logo in the driveway stone :)

A couple times we've gone to the community gym (when it's raining).  It's quiet, so we have the place to ourselves.
Jessie & her kids have done jump rope competitions in the past.  She's also good with a hula hoop!!
'Try' to eat healthy after the workouts  (key word is try ;))


Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Latest Storm - Eta!


My mom lost one of her trees to the storm.  Eta lasted a few days.  This tree was already cracked, so it was just a matter of time.  Mom wasn't sad about it at all.

These next few are a little out of order:  The tree guys came pretty quick & cut it down

During the 2 day storm, we hung out on the couch a lot :)
It was windy and rainy for way too long!
We got Bolts rain jacket out - he wasn't a fan :)

Besides Mom's tree, it was just little branches that came down, and some flooding, but nothing major by us at all.  Lucky!

Monday, November 23, 2020

Enjoying the FL weather

Chris had some time before flying back north, and we luckily had some more beautiful weather.  So we cruised around

And then we rode our bikes
went swimming

And cruised some more - this time in the Corvette, (it's cool down cruise :))