Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Daytona Racing - Day #2

Good morning!  Beautiful sunrise over the lake.  Chris was ready to roll early. The guy across from us started working on his car at 6 am, so we were up early!
While Chris was doing his training, I went on a bike ride around the track

When I got back, Chris' instructor was at Big Blue - getting his car ready to race.
I got some decent photos of Chris - it's not easy when they are cruising by!  And the fencing doesn't help.  I also took some video's, but didn't upload any here.
Seeing him on the banking was pretty cool!
I went to a few different spots around the track.  It's 2 1/2 miles around, so I didn't get to all the corners.  Some were under construction like this one. 

You could rent garage space if you wanted - most did, but since we had Big Blue, we didn't bother.  Over 120 drivers for the weekend!  3 classes:  Novice, Intermediate, Advanced

We left the track at lunch to get gasoline.  It was too expensive at the track & had too many additives
Then I was able to go with Chris on a parade lap after lunch.

It was pretty cool - we didn't go onto the banking, since it was just a cruise, but we drove by it.  The banking is so steep - crazy!!

That evening, we went out for a cruise around town (and to get more gas :))


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