Monday, November 16, 2020

Daytona Racing - Day #1

No actual racing on day 1 - just everything else.  We had to get the trailer and Corvette from my cousin's. The trailer definitely needed some cleaning.

Then we got Big Blue and loaded the Corvette.  It's kind of a logistical nightmare, but we got it done.

Then we were on the road to Daytona!  A beautiful day - very warm and sunny
Traffic in Orlando, yuk
But we still made good time, and were soon driving into the tunnel and onto the  race track

We unloaded the Corvette and Chris took it on a parade lap with the other drivers, learning the turns, etc

Me & Bolts went for a nice walk
Beautiful sunset at the track.  There were only a handful of people camping overnight.  So it was nice and quiet


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