Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Monkey Island & Cedar Key

We spent a few days with Chris' mom and husband, so one day we took a drive north.  They've mentioned this Monkey Island & Cedar Key before, so Chris & I were excited to see them.  

Bolts also came along and made himself at home on Tony's lap :)

1st stop Monkey Island!
It's a cute island in the middle of a waterway.  It has several cool buildings for their 'homes'.  A wrecked boat, and many swings.  We were there in the middle of the day, so there wasn't much activity.

Lots of boaters were milling around the island trying to get a view of one of the monkeys.  The monkey's don't swim so they don't leave the island.  They are fed a couple times a day by ??  Not sure if it's wildlife organization or just neighbors.

We did see a few moving around.  They were bigger than I thought - more like a chimp size, but with a long tail.  It was pretty cool to see!
Kayakers also taking a view :)  There were a few restaurants nearby where you can relax, have lunch or dinner, and watch the monkeys.  We're planning on going back and doing just that!
We continued our drive north to Cedar Key
It's quite a long drive/ride - way out :) 
But it's worth it once you arrive.  It's a small island with a lot of character.  The Pelican's seemed to like it - there were a lot!
Golf carts seemed to be the best mode of transportation in the business district

The buildings were old and very interesting

We stopped for an iced coffee

It's small and quaint, so easy to walk around and see everything

This cat was not afraid of Bolts at all :)
Christmas decorations were already out too!

It was a great way to spend the afternoon.  Since it was a long drive, it took pretty much the whole day!  We were all tired when we got home, but not too tired for Thanksgiving leftovers!!


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