Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The Key's

We didn't do as much as we normally would on a vacation because of Covid, but we still got out a bit.  Chris was working all week, so early evening was our time to explore.  We went to Burdine's (outdoor restaurant)

We also went to Key West, but only stayed for a couple hours.  (My pictures of Duval Street are in the Gulf :))  We did make it to the southernmost point

and we saw the fun free roaming chickens and roosters.  We stopped for an ice cream, but mostly just walked down Duval street then headed back to the resort.  It was a Monday evening so pretty quiet fortunately.
Another evening we took a drive to No Name Key

And another evening we had dinner at Kiki's - a very cool tiki bar!

The biggest downfall for our week, was the wind!  We had 20+ knots of wind all day everyday.  Too gusty for us to really enjoy sitting around our campsite - we had to go inside Big Blue.  It's not always that windy, so hopefully our next trip will be better!  We got a good feel for the Key's, so will do more next time when Covid isn't an issue.


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