Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Keys - our resort & Manatees!

Our RV resort was, right on the water of course (everything is right on the water!), and also had a marina.  We accidentally found 3 manatees hanging out in the marina.  I think they are always here.  Bolts fell in love!  He was so excited that they big animals wouldn't run from him.  He could get so close!
It was pretty cool to see them so close.  It was sad to see the scars from the boat propellers.  They are hard to see in murky water and they move so slow - it's hard to avoid them even if you are diligent.

The water and views were so lovely at our resort.

It was a pretty big resort - but there was a lot of availability - waiting & hoping for seasonal renters to come down...


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