Friday, December 31, 2021

Happy New Year's Eve!

celebrating with friends from our favorite Paw Park!


Thursday, December 30, 2021

Girls night out!

our neighbor Jessie had the morning workout gang over for taco night!


Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Some fun winter activities

going out for drinks with Bolts
looking at cool cars

trying to golf again (after 15 years for Steph & 5 for Chris)

lunch with friends


Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Triathlon festival continued

the following morning, we competed in a sprint triathlon.  Nice & Short! 
before & after :)

800 meter swim, 13 mile bike (5 laps around the race track), and 3.1 mile run (1 lap around the racetrack).  It was pretty cool to be racing on the speedway (not on the banking).  Fun race!!  And it only took 90 minutes - so nice to be done early in the day.
That afternoon, they had a pro race - fun to watch!  The women pros (about 15 of them) started at noon.

they are so fast & fun to watch!  Their race  was longer - a 2k swim, 80k bike (20 laps of the racetrack), and a 18k run (4 laps of the racetrack) 

they had the race up on the big screen (and on the race track TV station)
90 minutes after the women started, the men started.  The women had just started the run portion.
There were about 20 professional men racing

we watched the men swim, then get out on the bike course, then watched the women finish!

We love watching the pros - they are amazing athletes!  We watched the men finish the bike, then go out onto the run course.  It was starting to get crowded by the finish line - so we headed to Big Blue & watched the coverage on the tv :)

they did a great job with the coverage!  So much information - and with only 35 athletes in total, each athlete got some coverage.  The male winner was super fast, and made it look so easy! ( He just set the Ironman world record - with a 7 hour 21 minute finish time just 2 weeks prior in Cozumel, Mexico)
Nice sunset!
And the following morning, there was another triathlon - a half ironman distance for age groupers.  We didn't feel like training for it, so we didn't participate. 
But it was fun to watch!  Fireworks at the start

nice sunrise!
there were about 1,000 age groupers racing
so we watched for a while - it would take the fast racers about 3-4 hours to finish

then we got back in Big Blue & Headed out!  Bye Daytona, see you next time!