Wednesday, December 22, 2021


3 days of racing at Road Atlanta- for Chris - pretty cool!

me & Bolts hung out in the motorhome - it was chilly!!  30's in the morning and 50's in the afternoon

the track was pretty cool

Big Blue looked pretty good in the park
I watched some of the racing through our windows  (when it was only 30 outside!)
they had a lot of different 'classes' going on besides learning the race course

I did bring my tri bike and got a few trainer rides in
frost on Big Blue - brrr!
the cars were all the same - so I could never tell when Chris was going by - he revved the engine a few times which helped :)

I did have to work one day - so I didn't see much racing that day
we took some nice walks in the evenings - into the infield

I also did my strength workouts too


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