Monday, December 27, 2021

Daytona triathlon festival

We took Big Blue back to Daytona for more racing!  But this time it wasn't in cars - it was Swim, Bike, Run around the famous raceway!
we drove over in the afternoon - and got settled in the beautiful gated campground (used by the Nascar racers)- just in time to see a Space Ex launch!  It was pretty cool
we walked around the expo (closed for the night), but it was still fun
next day, we did a little more exploring - checked out the expo, and all the Christmas decorations

Late in the day, they had a kids triathlon - they were fast!  
Then we headed to our starting line for our 5k run through the Christmas lights.  We arrived a little early, so we sat and chilled
Time to race!
It was fun running through the Christmas lights - most were under the Daytona Speedway bleachers

we stopped for a few pictures along the way :) 

some were a little blurry - since I took them while we were running
and at the finish line - they had snow!  It was pretty cool - and all the kid participants loved it!


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