Tuesday, December 21, 2021


We swapped the Corvette for Big Blue and headed north to Georgia!  Of course I 75 in Florida is always a sh*t show because of no highway patrol, so we had to sit in traffic because of an accident.
We did make it to Georgia (where they do have highway police)
and saw some cotton :)
some old plantation houses (that are now roadside attractions)
we were on the way to Road Atlanta for Chris to do some car racing - we stopped in Fort Valley, GA for a quick overnight at a Harvest Host
Lane Southern Orchards - what a place!  Very cool!

next morning, we took a long walk around the property
it was chilly, so Bolts was happy
GA Red dirt

walking in the pecan orchard

Big Blue was parked next to a cousin  :)

Then we were  back on the road - to Road Atlanta
we passed a strange looking 'flavor' farm that kept pink & purple lights on...
we took back roads to avoid Atlanta - so it was a nice ride to the track ;)


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